Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feeding the imagination

One of the first things you should know about me is that I love to read! I've tried every genre imaginable... but I don't care much for action, periodical stories, war stories or times of struggle and hard-ship. I prefer fantasy, comedy, mythology, romance and the type of books that make you use your imagination. Call me crazy for wanting to escape reality, but don't we all have those moments? I was obsessed with the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling at one stage and read each book no less than twelve times. I must say, I have moved on to more age appropriate novels. I have a strange addiction to Marian Keyes books at the moment. She's able to be hilarious, dramatic and real all at once. I truly envy her skills and ability to write something fresh. My favourites so far are: 'Anybody Out' There and 'Last Chance Saloon'! I am in the process of reading 'Watermelon' and I can't wait to read her latest book 'The Brightest Star In The Sky'.
Off to read some more...Toodles ;-)

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