No this is not a post about baby talk. This is a small slither of recognition for the lovely Mama Monster herself- Lady Gaga!
Having been a fan from the beginning, when she was getting drunk at a house party with a lightning bolt on her face, singing her break out single- Just Dance with Colby O'Donis, she has come a long way with her music, outfits, lyrics and public outcry's.
From arriving at The Grammy's in 20.. in an incubated egg whereby she was said to have been isolated for a number of days, to wearing an outfit entirely made of meat, she is one unique mama monster. The controversy regarding her so-called satanic ways surfaced after there was suspicious symbolism seen in her music video's, particularly on her outfits and in strange places, upsetting much of the religious community and spreading far beyond even those who do not worship their God on a regular basis. She has never apologized nor made excuses for such behaviour and I am certain this is why she has such a strong following. Gaga claims to be unique as well as not being of the human race, which is where the Illuminati argument may come into being.
Music Video's such as 'Judas', feature Mama Monster in very small, tight, revealing clothing along with an upside down cross on her crotch and mockery of an nun's outfit, this symbolism was what first rocked the media and showed potential in GAGA's somewhat satanic ways. How ever she does not nor has never claimed to worshipping anyone but God, even though she has been named Satan's wife on numerous occasions. With regards to the Illuminati, which originally formed in Germany in 1776, GAGA has also never mentioned any such word of being involved in this, however she does claim to be of an 'extra-terrestrial' nature and have power inside her that is driven by the love and support of her fans.
Having looked up some information of Stefani Germanotta, now known as Lady Gaga, she was Catholic raised, intelligent and an obvious performer. Having obvious singing abilities in her early school days, she was born to be different and stand out from the crowd. Pushing hard as a waitress in NYC, she finally burst onto the music scene with her unique yet stylish and eye catching outfits, that slowly grew more and more freakish.
From personal experience and much research, I have come to find that people are both right and wrong about Lady Gaga. Yes she is different and promotes being unique and outlandishly so. So to claim being of a higher human race, is just plain bizzare, however she does not possess the qualities or show any ability to being that of Satan's wife. Her music is quite obviously not satanic nor have any hidden or subliminal messages hidden in them. Having recently attended her 'Born this way' concert at the FNB stadium in Johannesburg, I was continuously WOWED by the performance she put on. Every detail had been planned out to the button on a costume and the set was amazing and so well constructed, you probably could have lived in it. From costumes made of meat, to riding around on a heavily blinged out motorcycle, you can not fault Miss Gaga on being a performer and a true artist. Some may disagree, but for those who despise her for who or what she is, are missing out on some serious talent!