Monday, February 6, 2012

Ink it up!

A friends Thai tattoo meaning ''Pray''.

I used to think that tattoo's were just for the low class or incarcerated, but I've come to find that it is not only a difficult art to master, but one that should be respected for its sheer brilliance. Growing up with somewhat conservative parents, lead me to believe tattoo's were a no go, 21 years later and I have a tattoo of my own on my left wrist.
The same friend with a sepia tattoo of a dove in honour of her grandfather.
I find tattoo's fascinating and in a weird way- addictive. I want more and more. I know it is a risk as it is permanent, but that is part of the addiction. The permanent body-art... Although it is a painful process, I find pleasure in the fact that once it is finally over and I can stop clenching my jaw, I will have the chosen art on my body to look at, at my leisure. Showing it off or keeping it under wraps when appropriate.
Another friends Thai tattoo, meaning ''Faith''.
Tattoo's have become more socially acceptable as well as being less frowned upon in the work place. Being conservative with clothing or knowing when to hide the art has become more popular and less threatening amoungst the masses. I personally find too many or the wrong kind of tattoo's can be distasteful or offensive, however I don't regret getting mine and I am sure I will add to it soon enough.
Myself, with my own tattoo. A unique rendition of the Pisces Zodiac sign.